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im in need of some quick cash, upward of 10,000 and have a few months to make said money. if you know any easy scams or ways to do scams to make some cash please let me know :)))
in Other by

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3 Answers

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There are no EASY SCAM

the easy is that you only know !

As soon as is known by many, will be burned before you will make any profit from it ...

And if you can not scam for 1$ .... you can no scam for 10k...

You need a lot of time in order to archive that ...

It will be easier to go at work and make that 10k   from honest work then in scamming ....

Stay Safe
by Upcomer (639 points)
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I have bitcoin scam guides. It shows yo how to build trust with victim and shows you how to make it believable.

I also have carding books and market websites. both only $25

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by Guest (123 points)
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Here is a scammer  who want to scam you by 25$ .... poor idiot ..... but there are bigger idiots then this one ....who will pay 25$   for  nothing ....

If you want to be scammed    contact him and you will lose 25$

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hey man, i understand you. Once I was in a similar situation and also looked for any ways to get money. but this is not the only way. Fraud is an evil that must be fought. do not go into this swamp. good luck.
by Active (2.4k points)