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Attention everyone! The PVTRedTeam challenge for July 2023 is now open for registration. The attack date and time will take place between 07/26/2023 0000Hrs Zulu and 07/31/2023 0000Hrs Zulu. The target is a private personal checking account in the USA that currently has $1,658,300.xx USD (as of 07/02/2023 1355 Zulu). All individuals are welcome to apply, but we are specifically interested in script kiddies, hactivists, business4profit, and crackers. The top monetary gainers will be considered for an interview to join the PVTRedTeam. Please note that the money was acquired through past donations and this is a LEGAL test. The host site is conducting an overt pen-test. Advanced CEH or other individuals are kindly requested to contact admin. We would like to reserve this opportunity for the less experienced to join our Red Teams. For registration requirements, please email admin directly at ***Contact info is only allowed at user's wall***. Thank you!

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