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The System is rigged, everything they ever told you is a lie!

There are 13 families which control the world we live in. They all worship the One Eyed God "Horus" ie: The All Seeing God

Horus is an ancient Egyptian God, he's is viewed as a Falcon that has one eye.(You can find more about him on google)

Horus is believed to fly above the Pyramids and he is "The All Seeing"


How many lines are there on the US flag? 13..13 families...families which control the world.
On the Dollar Bill...
How many rows does the Pyramid consist of? 13
How many lines are there on the Eagle/Falcon?(Horizontal lines) Correct! 13
What does it hold with its left talon? An Olive branch.
How many leafs does it consist of? Correct! 13..On the branch there are Olives.
How many Olives are there? Correct! 13...Getting deeper and deeper huh?
How about of the Eagles/Falcon left talon? Arrows!..How many Arrows?? Correct!! 13
Above the Eagle, what is there? Stars!
How many Stars? Correct! 13 stars!! 13...got it?
Also, what shape do these 13 stars form? Correct!! STAR OF DAVID!!!
Where is the Star Of David found and what does it relate to? Satan/Satanism..Now listen up carefully...What is the symbol on the Israeli flag??? Correct, The Star Of David! Does it all make sense now?

Written on the Dollar bill is "Novus ōrdō sēclōrum" what does it mean? New Word Of Ages..What does "New World of Ages mean"? Correct "The New World Order"

How many feathers does the Eagle/Falcon have? 33..What is the number 33 and what's so special about it? Nothing besides the fact of the Masonic 33° degree.

Take the Star of David and align it perfectly on the Pyramid. Notice were the points of the star point out to. The letters M A S O N..a coincidence huh? That's what they all say.

Cloud Seeding...yeah, they control the Weather and "Natural disasters". Remember the Earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria? Yes,they're responsible. (Weather manipulation isn't even hidden anymore, go to YouTube and search "Cloud Seeding")

School isn't made for education, school is for producing Workers/Employees/Slaves or what ever you want to call it. School and Prison have the same system

Prison "Everyone wears the same clothes" so does in School
Prison "Can't do anything without permission/ You have to obey" so does in School

Designer of our modern school system is John D Rockefeller. He himself quoted-

 "I do not want a nation of thinkers,I want a nation of workers"

What causes Cancer??? YOUR *****ING PHONE!!! It's the Blue Light-

Found in Phones, Laptops..Literally all gadgets and also in street lights!

What does tap water contain, toothpaste and other products that you use contain? Fluoride! What does Fluoride do? It calcifies you Pineal Gland. What is you Pineal Gland? It connects you to the spiritual realm. Decalcify you Pineal Gland and you would understand exactly what I was talking about.

Subliminal messages? Movies, Music..But do you know were it's mostly found??

IN ***** CARTOONS/ TV SHOWS!!!! They program them when they're *****!

They tried to ban TikTok because its becoming an eye opener for alot of people. Go to TikTok and search "Subliminal messages in Cartoons"

What are the Pyramids?? No, they aren't what you think they are! They are actually far more complex. They are Energy Transmitters/Receivers. Even I don't fully understand their purpose yet, but Pyramids were built for a reason, they have a great porpuse. Also go to TikTok and search "Truth about the Pyramids"

I've seen more than 50 TikTok users banned and called crazy just for sharing similar stuff about what I'm providing. I myself had a TikTok account and I posted related content..I wasn't banned but I was silenced. They took down all my videos and they shadow banned me.

Why do you think the LGBTQ+ agenda is being pushed so much? Everywhere you go there are Lgbtq+ people and it's spreading faster than ever!!!

They are wiping out out masculinity..When people are more "Feminine" they are easier to control. A society of masculine men is much harder to control than a society of LGBTQ+ gullible snowflakes.

Jews control the world, Israel is far more than just a country. We are controlled, we have owners. Orgies, sacrifices and rituals taken in forests and private islands are real! They all worship Satan.

Only the people who are strong enough to seek the truth may escape.

Frequencies are VERY POWERFUL. Vibration, Energy and Frequencies are they key to the Universe!

In order to find the key of the Universe, think in terms of Energy, Vibration and Frequency
-Nikola Tesla

Also search about

MK Ultra
Operation Paperclip
Operation Mockingbird
Operation Northwoods
NSA Spying

This is all just the icing on the cake..

If you are more curious contact me on Discord


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21 Answers

4 like 0 dislike
What the hell are you wearing? What are you using?
by Upcomer (566 points)
4 like 0 dislike
to tell you how far im gone i thought this was common knowledge stuff....
0 0
I'm realy open to U.
0 0
It is common knowledge, those that do not see by now never will and are not meant to.
3 like 0 dislike
what the hell? I can't understand anything.
by Newbie (346 points)
3 like 0 dislike
Don't worry bro , ويمكرون ويمكر الله والله خير الماكرين.
3 like 0 dislike
he......I found this really interesting. HAs for the retarted and lazy name callers that cant tell why there using such word to the author, Shame on all of you . for the most part the guy is giving facts. You probably are all americans too... Good day
0 1
Nigga Shut the ***** Up
0 1
dumb NPC spotted
3 like 0 dislike
This is all true and more then you could even imagine
2 like 0 dislike
false - the all seeing eye is just a technique can see your mind , your heart and your soul and of caurse your fate and your future .
when it shown only for you , you will be strong - but your fate and future , soul , heart , brain shown for anyone but you .
when you are good illuminati slave , you will show your fate and future and control anything in your life (mony problems).
when you fight them or when you do anything they dont like , thy make you everywhere , anyone can show you ,and show what you will do the next hour then he can steal what you will got .
i fight em and am everywere -- i still looking for how to stop the transfert of my brain and my soul
2 like 0 dislike
Transformers ass lore
by Newbie (372 points)
2 like 0 dislike
where's the TLDR faggot?
2 like 0 dislike
The deeper truth it is quiet simple, so simple that, at first glance, the mind will refuse it. The truth is that we are controlled by a group of people, but because they can and they do create the money, and that's it. Money it is created and landed by private corporations, that we call Banks. If this simple fact changes, everything will be very different. Lincoln printed the money and boom, assassinated. Napoleon also printed the money, Gadaffi too, etc..they became public enemy #1

Banks land money that they don't have (money lenders), because money it is an idea (in our case, money is debt). Any government ask to a private bank X quantity of money, for example, to the Federal Reserve (which is not Federal, and has no reserve), and then the government has a debt of X plus interest to the Bank, this debt is the money we use.

Ohh please sir rich banker, can you give me money please!! we are theirs slaves, only because we do not understands the greatest paradigm of all: how money is created.

Why is like that? some history lessons are necessary, Youtube Money Masters, Money as Debt, good to begin :)

Important, can be different, yes! we, as citizens are "represented" by the State, which can and should create and print the money for the benefit of humanity, how it was with Lincoln for example.
by Guest (112 points)