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Do you hate scammers?

I have been in the fraud business for a very long time. And here's what I'll tell you guys. I make this world a better place.

You all complain that they took your money and gave nothing in return. But are you better yourself?

You are trying to buy someone's bank account or wallet. That is, you want to appropriate someone else's money.
You are trying to buy drugs.
You are trying to buy weapons. Maybe for very good deeds?

You are trying to buy slaves. Damn you are trying to buy slaves in the 21st century!!!

Yes, I'm just an angel compared to you. I have deceived you and I will deceive you. And the fact that you have no money left to pay your bills is the highest justice. It's a tax on your stupidity.

What do you say to that? Yes, I'm a scammer. Yes, I'm not being honest. But I see far more suffering in the world from those I deceive.
in Markets & commercial by Active (1.4k points)

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5 Answers

2 like 0 dislike
but you don't stop being a fraud.
There is no need to justify evil with other evil.
by Advanced (3.2k points)
1 like 0 dislike
hell... I never thought about that. Hmm... that's an interesting angle.
by Experienced (6.1k points)
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by Newbie (154 points)
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***** you freak
Do you want to teach us how to live?
by Newbie (249 points)
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Cut the crap!
by Newbie (202 points)