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i am from syria i left my country with my family after war i am 24 years old literllay we are homeless in another hosting country me and my mum and my little sister sleeping most of day at streets waiting someone to give us an charity please god only know how are we suffering in streets i need your help any one help to get a little stable house and i will work to cover their living pls pls i am in deep need me and my family crying

this my bitcoin wallet address i just create and try to make order from markets but i got scammed all money i saved now is gone pls mercy all i need you do not how bad is our situation


in Other by Guest (141 points)

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3 Answers

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I wish i could help.
by Advanced (4.3k points)
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I can possibly help you... contact me through my snapchat if you really need help.

Snap: ***Contact info is only allowed at user's wall***

by Newbie (173 points)
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What country are u in
by Guest (134 points)