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What bought you guys here? How did you hear of the darkweb? How long have you been using the darkweb?
in Other by Advanced (4.3k points)

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8 Answers

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curiosity, especially about secret documents like those that the government conceals war crimes.
by Newbie (228 points)
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Once time I met a german little girl in the social network of the dark web for some reason she vented with me and she sent me a lot of video, but after a while the social network we talked, it was knocked down and I lost contact with her, so sometimes I come in here to see to be meeting her again

Probably I won't find it, but she gave me the impression that it is possible to find something good in the middle of nowhere
by Guest (135 points)
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It's much more interesting here
by Newbie (187 points)
0 0
How do I post images? I still haven't figured this out!
0 0
....and yes much more interesting here
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mostly out of boredom. Well, I would like to earn some money.
I'm also interested in the field of *****. I would like to know liberated women. But here, as I understand it, there are very few women.
by Experienced (9.9k points)
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Oh, okay. I just went on the dark web because i was bored, and then i found Hidden Answers. I have actually made some money of Hidden Answers. Because of points.
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In dire need of money to start from the beging
by Guest (134 points)
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I got sick of all the censorship from the clear net, find hidden information and services and lastly to make money.
by Upcomer (653 points)
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I came here looking for answers, obviously.
by Newbie (344 points)
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by Active (2.8k points)