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I am compiling a list of scammers and want to make it the most accurate and complete list on the dark web.

Exposing scammers is my hobby.
A few years ago, I suffered greatly from the actions of scammers. Now I want as many scammers as possible to have problems in their activities.

Now I don't need money. I do not sell anything or offer any services.

Verification of any service or market occurs in two stages.
1. Look for signs of a scam.
There are some signs by which you can identify a scammer before making a purchase.
2. If there are no signs of fraud, I make a trial purchase.
After that, I know for sure whether the seller is a scammer or a real one.

Here are the signs of a 100% scammer.

  • It is definitely a scam if it sells bitcoin multipliers. It is a big foolishness to think that it makes sense to sell bitcoins for bitcoins.


  • It's a scam if he's selling prepaid cards. It is very foolish to think that someone cannot cash out any amount of money.


  • WU and MoneyGram transfers. It is a big foolishness to think that someone will sell real money for money.


  • It is a scam if the services or goods are very cheap. Real goods and services always have value. If you really liked the price - in front of you is a scammer.

  • It's a scam if you are persuaded to buy. Real goods and services are always in demand. A real seller will not persuade you to make a purchase.

Here's what I know about the scam market.

If there are additions - write.
If you have information about some service, and are also sure that these are scammers or legitimate ones, speak here.
Together we can do more.

in Markets & commercial by Advanced (3.2k points)

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31 Answers

5 like 0 dislike
Well done guy. let's ***** all the scammers.

What do you need to do to get a list of legit services?
by Active (2.3k points)
2 0
contact the user via the private messaging system
5 like 0 dislike
I know that you fight scammers and fraud, and I want to ask you about the C*****PSHOP website and the Onion MultiShop website, because I saw many people saying that they are reliable, and for your information, I was exposed to deep market fraud before I saw your post.
by Upcomer (612 points)
5 like 0 dislike
I also engaged in such activities. But I'm not ideological. I did this for my own benefit.
Worthy of respect, well done.
If you want to talk about this, write to me, I can tell you a lot from my experience.
by Experienced (7.9k points)
2 0
you can join us and help in our cause. What your goals are - the search for justice or personal gain does not matter.
4 like 0 dislike

Thank you for doing this. I got scammed once years ago because I was an idiot but fortunately the amount wasn't much. Had  I stumbled upon the valuable information you are presenting here I would have refrained from sending money to scammers. I should have known better anyway but I definitely learnt my lesson. Thank you again for your efforts AntiScam anaon.

by Master (33.3k points)
4 like 0 dislike
How can you identify scammers when the situation is reversed? Like, say, you're a new seller, and the only offers you get are for you to provide the service before they pay? Are there any signs? Does it even happen here? Sorry if it's a stupid question!
by Advanced (4.0k points)
3 0
please don't give up
1 0
I'd imagine the "signs" would be similar to the non-reversed case, in that a real buyer would not use persuasion tactics to try to get you to provide your service before payment.
4 like 0 dislike
I dealt with many fraudsters, but I learned that this is an investment if I lost $ 500 for the fraudsters.
I will earn this amount if I found a legitimate seller.
by Newbie (301 points)
4 like 0 dislike
Dark Web Wolf Street. Those are nasty scammers. They have a great system to make it seem is real. But dont trust them what so ever
by Upcomer (653 points)
4 like 0 dislike
Hi dude! You are doing a great useful job!
Where have you gone? Why is there no activity?
We need people like you!

Come on, come back.
I'll give you +500 points.
by Official (102k points)
4 like 0 dislike
yes, everything is written correctly. These crap are really cunning creatures
by Newbie (215 points)
4 like 0 dislike
real money - I know for sure that it’s a scammer
by Newbie (209 points)