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Damn, I'm really scared.
There is talk that the private military company Wagner is now in Belarus and they want to attack Poland.
These are very dangerous guys.
What do you think? Is it possible?
Who will be responsible in this case? After all, officially this is not the army of Russia.
in Politics, wars, problems by Newbie (477 points)

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3 Answers

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I really wish this wouldn't happen.
But in this *****ing world anything is possible
by Active (2.4k points)
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With War forming in the middle of the world. The East trying to build a super power and the west making CBDC now more than ever I am sticking to my Bible, Homestead, Gold. BTC and bullets. Lots of bullets.
by Upcomer (653 points)
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I choose you! Today I'm on your side. You get +75 points from me.
This is a dark game.

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No, but what remains of the "nationalist" battalions armed with western weapons will be a cause of trouble for Poland in the future.
by Master (33.3k points)