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I'm pretty new to Onion sites, any ideas on what I can explore? I like explosives and chemistry but any interesting suggestions are welcome.

Also, what programming language would you recommend me to learn if I wanna start on hacking?
in Other by Guest (143 points)

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2 Answers

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Ahmia is a good search engine to start with. You'll find more links there. A lot of the stuff you'll find will be scams or mirrors of clearnet sites, and some of it's obvious, like websites selling dumb shit like human meat. IDK about drug recipes if that's what you mean by chemistry and explosive recipes can be found on the clearnet. (Although using TOR is still advised). Stay away from the *****s.

C, but it really depends on what you want to hack.
by Guest (113 points)
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Also, weapon sellers are almost all LE. Use common sense and learn OpSec before doing anything.
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Thanks bro, by clearnet you are referring to .torify.net sites right?
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hey man i'm new too, what's your telegram?
by Newbie (186 points)