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Anyone knows if the user Makichan3 on Telegram is a valid user that sells real links for various services? She wants 25$, after the payment u'll get a list of these services. I remember getting her telegram from here, but i can't seem to find the post anymore, which is kinda sus, also things like "stop wasting ur time with scammers and step up ur game now" which she said to me seem to me like psychological tricks to make u wanna buy faster. Maybe i'm just overthinking, and Makichan really is a trustworthy person, but I just wanna make sure, pls don't judge me for that.
And if she's fake, does anybody of yall know of any working PayPal services? Thanks in advance and stay safe.
in Other by Guest (124 points)

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2 Answers

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Hey, I heard something about him.

I myself have not communicated and have not tried.
But on one of the forums there was a lot of negativity about it. A lot of people wrote that it was a scam.

Don't know. You can check. But I wouldn't trust.
by Active (2.7k points)
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Yo, I talked to him for a few months now at first he asked for 25$ in exchange for link advice etc... then he ended up giving me money instead (only 1$ in litecoin tho) so personnally i say he's no scammer at least for me he helped alot when i needed help and all.

Conclusion: i trust him but still be careful of who talk to.   ;)
by Guest (133 points)