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So while just cruising around on the internet, I found a site with no apparent links or wording in it. It's a picture of a bunch of rectangles with different heights, widths and colours. Almost looks like one of those pictures where you tilt your phone and you can read it. Not the case for this one. I tried to attach a sample but couldnt figure it out. Hopefully we can arrange a different way, sorry. I also have the link saved and looked it up in a file viewer app and couldn't find anything about it. I'm convinced its written coding of sorts.If anyone is interested in a mystery please let me know. Maybe I've been reading too many things around the dark web.
in Other by Guest (134 points)

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3 Answers

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Share it with us.
by Guest (136 points)
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Check some steganography online tools first
by Guest (112 points)
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This sounds interesting. Any more details?
by Master (33.3k points)