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Why does Naomi Campells house looks similiar to the eye of the Illuminati?

*if they (hidden answers) for some reason remove the photo you can search it up on Duckduckgo, Naomi Campbell house*

Located in Villa Turkey

In Katy Perry's Dark horse music video why does she hold up the eye of the Illuminati to her face, the eye is even similiar to Naomis Campbells house.

*again if they remove the photo for any reason search up, Katy Perry Darkhorse images.*

Sidenote: these skanks are on the Flight Logs to Epsteins island or mentioned by Kappy, coincidence?

There's more photos you can find of your favorite celebrities symbolizing the Illuminati like Jay Z, Madonna, Kanye West, Britney Spears, etc.

These are all people with lost souls who gave up their life for the Money, fame,  power. Its a whole organization these Satanists have sick ***** trafficking *****s,  spread the word, check my other posts out (profile) for more information really start learning about whats going on here

Contact me (User wall) for any questions or leave them down in the comments!

Stay safe, practice good OPSEC

in Politics, wars, problems by Newbie (287 points)

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4 Answers

3 like 0 dislike
this is symbolism its all over kid shows and songs for people to gain attraction to it
by Guest (133 points)
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hahaha!! You can find connections in everything. even where it doesn't exist
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I don't think so
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I completely agree, the youth are being used to distract us from the real product.
3 like 0 dislike
i was seeing what you been posting the past couple of days and its good what youve been doing true hero too America you get my vote
by Guest (117 points)
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"Illuminati Celebrities" are just a division created by the managerial class of the elites to give the slave class and NPCs something to deflect their attention from the real issues.
by Master (33.3k points)
0 like 2 dislike
thats the Eye of Horus you retards.. go back to school its an ancient Egyptian symbol
by Guest (108 points)
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Well you're Special needs, the eye of horus is the symbol of the Illuminati
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Does anyone know what the top of the pyramid is called, the very top?
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AC stated that the eye of horus is sweeter than the mouth of Isis... Look in to the meaning of the eye of horus. It's a portal and its misuse is closer to home than you think. The religion of Egypt just changed appearance over time but is still live an well.