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If you ever had something awful happen to you or someone you care about, and you managed to get the justice you needed, tell your story.
in Other by Newbie (278 points)

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1 Answer

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Yes, once in my 20s the gf of one of my friends had just gotten robbed by a bag snatcher. The girl was in shock an barely coherent but she looked unharmed physically. Myself and my mate have initially taught that the incident had happened some time before but she managed to articulate that it had actually just happened a few meters from the location we where in. So the two of us just bolted outside and sprinted in the direction of where the girl thought the mugger went. I spotted a foreigner with a handbag in his hand and dropkicked him in the back at full running speed not thinking twice. He went down in the pavement not knowing what the ***** was happening. I snatched the bag from his hands and both me and my mate waited for a reaction. I think the guy was alone, so we just waited a couple of seconds to see what he would do while on the ground. Had the guy made a suspicious move we would have beaten him up to a pulp. There where no cameras in the area so we didn't give a shit. He did nothing so we just slapped him around and *****ed off.

I was in other circumstances of the sort but this was the cleanest one and basically resolved itself lol
by Expert (25.6k points)