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Anyone who has any type of information regarding the color code of blue to avoid D.E.W would be appreciated.

Also to anyone reading. The next attack wont be like the previous wars. We are way past that. The gov't has been able to weaponize frequencies and energies to attack the human brian.

Please get ready for a different war my brothers and sisters in Christ.


1) Buy Faraday Fabric. Enough to start covering one room of the house and limit any electrical device that emits E.M.F in that same room or close to it. Buy E.M.F protection clothing to start using at night and during house time.

2) E.M.P proof your car and electrical valuables. There are multiple E.M.P Surge battery protectors online, you can find multiple in the clear net. Also you can take a broken microwave for small electronic and it will function as a cheap E.M.P Safe. Make sure to build a box fully cover in Faraday Fabric for generators, radios, computers, inverts, etc.

3) Have a Faraday proof closet with all the equipment to start a indoor hydroponic garden able to feed 4-6 adults and have food enough for 6 months. The goal is to store food (rice, beans, wheat, grains) and have enough seeds to grow veggies for 42 months. The standard rule is one cup of rice and one cup of beans per 2 adults per day in extreme situations. Use that calculation to save water as well for cleaning, cooking, etc.

4) Buy Gold, Silver and Platinum. If you are here in the Tor network you probably know your way around crypto. I just want to leave this quote: "Gold and Silver is money, anything else is credit". - J.P Morgan. The dollar has about 2-3 years left of value. Start stock piling gold and silver.

Once again please share any information in the answer to help out the community.

Blessings to my brothers and sisters and be strong for dark days are on their way but trough Christ, we have life at the end.
in Politics, wars, problems by Upcomer (639 points)

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3 Answers

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Look up Sabrina Wallace about the subject. Yes you are quite correct, conventional means of warfare have been long surpassed and only serve the purpose of maintaining the narrative and fear level of the herd while at the same time industrially eliminating problem populations. The vax, the poisons they being put in the food supply and chem trails all have a part to play in the next phase of the war. That being said look into the recent anomalies in the Schumann resonance field. Something is fighting back. Godspeed!
by Expert (25.6k points)
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hey man did you look up the person I suggested? She also goes by the username Psinergy on Odysee.
by Expert (25.6k points)
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Did you find what you were looking for? If not contact me.
by Expert (25.6k points)