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Write your answer in any topic in the “other” section and attach any image. (Text and image must not violate the rules of our forum!!!)

Task deadline: until 27.09.
Reward for completion: 50 points.

In order for your task to be counted and you can receive a bonus, do not forget to write an answer in this topic with the text
"I take".
This is a must!

closed with the note: Time limit has expired
in Point tasks by Official (102k points)

6 Answers

1 like 0 dislike
I'm taking this on
by Active (2.8k points)
0 0
The task has been verified.
+ 50 points
1 like 0 dislike
I will do it
by Experienced (5.3k points)
0 0
The task has been verified.
+ 50 points
1 like 0 dislike
im take this
by Newbie (187 points)
0 0
The task has been verified.
+ 50 points
1 like 0 dislike
I'm taking a task
by Experienced (6.1k points)
0 0
The task has been verified.
+ 50 points
1 like 0 dislike
“I take”. And I will represent myself with truth and courage.
by Newbie (344 points)
0 0
OK so I tried to answer your question why are you were here in the other section and I am unable to post a photo like it says Java void if I try to send it open in new tab it says it I don’t know I can’t get it I can’t get it to send
0 0
The task has been verified.
+ 50 points
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I will do it хххххххххххххххххххххххх
by Experienced (9.9k points)
0 0
The task has been verified.
+ 50 points