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in General information by Official (102k points)

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9 Answers

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How else can you get points?
by Experienced (7.5k points)
1 0
Ask questions, write answers, complete tasks. You can also be rewarded for interesting questions or answers, for useful messages and assistance in the forum. At higher levels more opportunities will open up.

It is also possible to buy points. This option is available in the HA Market.
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what will happen at the “Experienced” level?
by Active (1.7k points)
1 0
This information is disclosed only at the appropriate level.
Further more opportunities and privileges.
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Does admin ban users for any particular views or topics touched upon and if one is banned by an other user, how does that work in practice?
by Master (33.3k points)
1 0
The administrator blocks the user only for violating the forum rules.
Everything that is not prohibited by the rules is allowed.
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What happens if we lose all of our points? Also do you rank down if you lose enough points?
by Advanced (4.0k points)
1 0
Losing all the points is quite difficult. This can only happen if you break the rules.
1 0
So do you get banned if you lose all your points then? Also do you lose a rank if you lose/spend enough points?
1 0
Yes, if you lose points, your level decreases automatically. However, you cannot spend points if it will lower your level.

You can only lose points that give you a level if you receive a large fine.
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when can i exchange points
by Newbie (292 points)
1 0
According to the new rules, you can exchange points at any time. There are only three tariff exchange options. All of them are listed on the HA Market.

It is important to remember that you can only change points that will not lower your level.
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I read that a user can come up with game tasks as well but didn't see anymore details. Can you explain further please?
by Master (33.3k points)
1 0
This information will be available at the appropriate level.
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Can I ask questions to the administrator through the private messaging system?
by Master (33.3k points)
2 0
Yes it is possible.
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When will the next contest there?
by Upcomer (857 points)
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What are the guidelines for something that's supposed to be "flagged"?
by Active (1.2k points)