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To clarify, what do you think is the rationale behind such a gigantic and coordinated  response to this type of thing? Was it really necessary, if not what was the purpose? To put it into perspective during "flu season" every country has roughly the same mortality rates as those officially registered with covid.

This was by far the mother of all scams!
in Politics, wars, problems by Master (33.3k points)

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2 Answers

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Good to keep finding more and more people awake with the truth.

My take is that it is all for reduction of population not the COVID it self but the vaccine.

I strongly believe that something (frequencies, another virus or vaccine) will be the one actually killing people.

I am interested in chatting more and sharing any information you may have regarding this topic or D.E.W, E.M.P and E.M.F weapon technology.
by Upcomer (653 points)
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Likewise I'm glad there are others that have knowledge of what is happening around them.

I really think the vax is a multi-layered attack. Different batches for different  categories. First it's meant to eliminate those of pensionable ages but over a span of 5-10 years so it's not that noticeable and there is an element of plausible deniability. This is being done because the banksters don't want to pay out social benefits and pensions in western countries. Anyone can see the uptick in mortality in the older cohorts, turbo cancers,  sudden deaths, blood clots, immunodeficiencies and all the rest.

Then there is the attack on the working-age and *****er population in general, of western countries. My current understanding is that concealed poisons/viruses are contained in the lipid nanoparticles with their "payloads" held within nano release mechanisms which are frequency activated. The only way this sophisticated weaponry could be deployed was by tricking everyone to take the vax with the pretext of the pandemic, to save grandma from covid. It still baffles me how stupid the general population is. Anyway, this was done so the nanoparticles (which need to be kept and delivered at specific temperatures and according to exact time-lines) could be injected directly into the bloodstream of the targets. Any other delivery system such as with the food supply or via aerosolized sprays does not work as well from what I've researched. Those payloads were probably disseminated according to target populations that might become a problem to the shadow elites once shit hits the fan and hot wars ensue.

There is also the graphene oxide aspect of the vax, that is another issue entirely. I think this affects everyone someway or another as this contaminant/component is highly durable and can be controlled remotely. Also it can be delivered in multiple ways and not necessarily via the bloodstream, so just avoiding the vax is not enough. In order to eliminate it from the system one may require to employ detox protocols, depending on age and health. This last aspect is all about what they are envisioning society to look like beyond their set target date of 2030. They want to achieve full-spectrum dominance by turning all those that will make it to the next decade into hackable interoperable and interconnected extensions of the next form of the internet which will be basically a prison system.

This is much more that can be said about this and the more aware people there are the better the general population will fare.

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It came from an American (Democrat) funded Chinese lab. It was made to be just dealt enough to warrant a reaction, but spreading was the main function. Why? Biden needed a disaster. He could be quite sure he'd get into office because of the coordinated media attack against Trump, but to exercise authoritative control he'd need a reason. A pandemic is a clever reason.
At the same time, China was making their new TikTok app extra addictive, destroying the concept of dopamine and making it necessary for many who use it more than infrequently. The American version isn't like the Chinese one; the Chinese one promotes good values, the American one polarises its users politically. You either are a Democrat, being pumped full of a neo-Marxist propaganda, or a Republican having this propaganda exposed to you and shown to be extremely terrible.
This is a two-for-one implementation of schemes that are used in injecting Marxism. Breeding a generation that willingly has its rights taken, and then taking those rights, is one thing. That was the lockdown and stuff, and more will follow if the population remains so complacent. The second is producing something that the population depends on and the government can dictate and control. TikTok challenges everything else in terms of dopamine hits, and the government is able to regulate it if need be.
Please watch the full lectures by Yuri Bezmenov. You will see what he talks about in the modern day. Transgenderism is the breaking down of social boundaries taken to the extreme level, the absolute ability for a government to control truth like in 1984. Why do you think it is the most prominent part of the LGBT stuff pushed by Democrats and TikTok? Although all of the LGBT stuff and the race war stuff is just to polarise, segregate and divide us, the ones that remove morals, logic and reason are especially valued.
by Newbie (161 points)
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I choose you! Today I'm on your side. You get +50 points from me.
This is a dark game.

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Spot on, that's a very good break down of the farce we have all been subjected to. My only wish is that more people realise what is going on before it's too late.