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like is there some kind of drink ,or book related to become immortal for real
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4 Answers

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Take heroin and speed
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You don't want it ***** immortality  it's a scam from reptilian races to "make you a god meanwhile they are just making star seeds they place a *****ing copy of the either alien race or reptilian in you and call you a god it's despicable  have a lot more info kinda going through this personaly
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what do you mean... youre going through this? lol
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I think you're being over dramatic you know exactly what you signed up for
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Expand please, I believe you. Also aliens are demon parasite creatures that inhabit the lower astral plains but we just see them as tiny worms of sorts.
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The immortality would mean you can not die, but doesn't mean that you can not get hurt, so even if it exists, trust me it's not that you would like in the long run, just imagine falling from the airplane becoming paralyzed or/and without limbs and just suffering for years in constant agony, as you wouldn't be able to die.
 Or imagine being stuck somewhere underground for decades without light or any sort of food that would keep you in shape.

There is also quite popular theory about quantum immortality, you can find more on that on google.
by Guest (111 points)
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If you know how then I'll gladly give you my years of life, I honestly ***** it.... I'm not yet 30 and I would already be happy to leave this world
by Newbie (285 points)