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All of the sudden, nobody wears masks. Wtf happened? Was it bill gates or was it some other rich asshole who did this? Who really controls us?

Will we as humans follow the government like sheep again if they say something now or will we finally wake up?
in Politics, wars, problems by Guest (122 points)

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3 Answers

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Imagine a disease for which in order for you to take the vaccine they have to intimidate you (sanitary segregation, passports, etc.) and to find out if you are sick you have to take special tests every two days ....
I survived 2 pneumonia and this shit didn't even touched me and I rather not wear a mask
by Newbie (282 points)
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We have a live one here! :)
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I'm not going to explain the mask issue, you seem to be intelligent enough to have figured out that it was just a ploy for the slaves to virtue signal to each other and their owners. The ones you call controllers and are visible from our point of view as plebs are just the low level managerial staff employed by the bloodline elites. These equate to the high table in the fiction John Wick. Above the table there is the invisible college which are the real controllers but only a handful of people are aware who these are. I could continue on but I think the discussion would become too schizo for most.

As for the second part of your question, just look around you. People are waking up but I think most of this awakening is not organic. I's a controlled demolition type of operation. There are tons of gatekeepers and deceivers pandering half truths which do much more damage than full lies or omissions.

You have to become your own source of knowledge, sharpen your awareness and intuition, and become your own shaman.

by Expert (25.6k points)
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This thing was the fakest thing to ever happen, it was a huge litmus test far as I'm concerned.
by Expert (25.6k points)