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I found this website that I think is pretty cool for checking out if sites are scams or not.

If you've been scammed (it happens to the best of us), you can go on there and report it so that other people can avoid it. And if you've found a safe site, you can leave a positive review. I hope this helps the community out.

https:***LINKS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THIS CATEGORY*** (Have a look on my Wall)

If you've found another website that's helpful and cool, share it here!

You can also expose any tool you think is useful.

in Markets & commercial by

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2 Answers

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thanks for sharing... these scams are out of control
by Newbie (271 points)
0 0
100% agree with you
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There is no scam list on your wall, looks like you are paddling a scam site on your profile.

"Looking for Wash your Bitcoins

and up in the top right corner it has a link that when clicked the site tries to run java script.
by Master (35.2k points)