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So, I recently lost my job, I have a lot of financial problems and I don't know if I will be able to get out of them, since the aforementioned problems my girlfriend started to write with someone because she supposedly feels lonely (we live abroad) and she insists that it is only friendship, but I think every guy knows that this leads to dickship ....
I'm getting sick of living from day to day, depression doesn't let me get out of bed, make myself a sandwich .... today driving in the car at a really fast speed I wanted to drive into a truck and kill myself, but I can't even do that ....
in Other by Newbie (285 points)

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4 Answers

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I have been there man, whatever you do don't let the feeling of helplessness overwhelm you. Start talking to people even if it's not about your problems, it helps ground you. Start doing constructive things like sending a shit ton of job applications for things that interest you but you must be careful not to let any rejections affect you. If your gf is not helping ditch her.

Goodspeed anon, I believe in you, you can do this!
by Master (33.3k points)
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I don't have any friends since I live abroad, in addition, I'm an introvert which doesn't make it easy to make contact (In addition, each of the "friends" I had tried to take advantage of me for free transportation, loan of money, etc...). now I don't even have anyone to talk to, that's why I came here and surprisingly.... I am shocked that I got more support from strangers and in such a place.... thank you !
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Friend, I used to be the biggest introvert ever up to the point I was either going to end my self or *****in deal with it. I chose the latter, still not sure whether existence is worth supporting...but that's another story for another day. I have come to the conclusion that the point of death is the ultimate equalizer and apex of clarity, thus I want to arrive there knowing as much as I possibly can to make sure I judge my life's worth, not the circumstances of my death doing it for me, if that makes sense.

Anyway I understand your situation, isolated, lack of resources and support, I can empathize. That being said, it is still not worth throwing it all away. True that being cut off from the familiarity of a support network makes difficulties much more daunting to overcome but I guarantee that once you do and look at the situation objectively you will find solutions you would have never thought would be possible.

Start one step at a time, the less you have to depend on people you can't trust the better and don't let those thoughts take over. You are the master of your ship.
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I'm really not sure how writing leads to cheating, but it honestly sounds like you would benefit from seeing a therapist. Both a regular therapist for just you and a couple's therapist. A healthy relationship should not be filled with such paranoia that even writing makes you think she'll cheat. That's not healthy. At all. If she's cheating on you, that's her choice though. Just like it's your choice to continue dating someone who you think will be unfaithful to you. And she continues to date you despite you isolating her and making her defend her right to have friends and write to them. Honestly, from my perspective from what you've said, you sound like you have control issues. Please visit a therapist.
by Advanced (4.0k points)
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Therapists are for *****en pussies. If you going to see a therapist you might aswell end it. Listen to some snob that dosen't give a ***** about you giving you life advices. Waste of time and money
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Love. It's the main reason to live
by Advanced (4.0k points)
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No power is, knowledge is power.
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You have a picture of clinical depression.

I can also say with confidence that you do not want to die and are even afraid of it. What are you looking for here?
Pain or support? This determines what treatment regimen you need to use.

But I can say for sure that you need treatment. Contact the specialists. Depression is a disease.
by Active (2.7k points)