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7 like 0 dislike

Three rude comments.
Write three replies or comments in any topics of your choice. Make it rough.
Attention! Try to choose a topic that really makes you angry.


Deadline: 21.10

Reward 100 points

Before completing the task, do not forget to leave the answer with the text “I will do it” in this topic.

closed with the note: Time limit has expired
in Point tasks by Official (102k points)

7 Answers

1 like 0 dislike
I accept

I will do it

lol this will be fun
by Master (33.3k points)
1 0
The task is completed. +100 points
1 like 0 dislike
I will do it.
by Advanced (4.3k points)
0 0
The task is completed. +100 points
1 like 0 dislike
I will do it.

Placeholder to remove claims of duplicity
by Advanced (4.0k points)
0 0
I left three rude comments. I picked two questions that upset me and one that just made me feel disappointed in society. Hope I was rude enough.
0 0
The task is completed. +100 points
1 like 0 dislike
Will anyone else do this? A very simple task. There are 2 days left.
by Official (102k points)
1 like 0 dislike
I'm tired of being a bottom person
by Experienced (12.1k points)
1 0

Looks like you're in the wrong topic
- 20 points

1 like 0 dislike
get it

I will do it
by Newbie (292 points)
0 0
The task is completed. +100 points
1 like 0 dislike
I will do it

I will do it
by Experienced (9.9k points)
0 0

The task is completed. +100 points
