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I am under the strong impression that the current illegal immigration flows in the west are a cover for near future GLADIO style "stay behind"/"sleeper-cell" type operations. Verry soon these flows will be aggravated even further with the turmoil in the Middle East. I really think that a massive spate of terrorist attacks in major western cities, especially US and EU, are going to be staged in order to create the necessary conditions to spark WW3. What is taking place all at the same time at present, Ukraine, Israel/Palestine, the open borders, Turkey bombing Syrian Kurds, the Azeri ongoing attacks on Amenians in Nagorno Karabakh, the covid vax and application of directed energy weapons and the weakening of the earth's magnetic field and the southward movement of the magnetic north pole, are all parts of the same plot to usher in the new age. The first sign of this was given out by the same group when 9/11 was staged. Now a bigger false flag is about to happen and it will have a cascade effect of initiating an abysmal financial crises, resource shortage and finally WW3. However I believe that it is all a controlled demolition orchestrated by the puppet masters behind the shadow elites/government/cabal. I'm not sure what is going to happen but I think what is to happen will happen in the next few months, probably by February or March 2024. Gog (Yajuj) and Magog (Majuj) are about to be unleashed upon the world. This is my most schitzo take. Any opinions?
in Politics, wars, problems by Expert (25.6k points)

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2 Answers

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You know you are right on the nail with all of this.

My only advice to everyone is get faraday fabric and fully cover one room or closet of your house. In that closet store a generator and all parts needed to build a hydroponic wall garden enough to feed 4-6 adults.

Focus on transfering your savings to Gold and Bitcoin. Ethereum and Silver are great alternatives. Always use a cold storage wallet and learn how to sheet rock patch to hide valuables inside the walls.

Get 50 pounds each of Rice, Salt, Beans and at least if possible 250-500 gallons of water.

Learn a survival skills or trade skills. Personally I am learning welding.

If your state is 2A friendly I wouldnt have to say it but get good quality guns and as many ammo you can. Store them properly.

Forget about credit, if you have to use that debt to get this things do it. As for financial all I can say is focus on Energy, Food, Mining/Resources and Private Military Sectors. Everyhting else will go down so learn to short the market (if anyone is knows how to short on other markets like forex or futures PM) and we could discuss alternative asset allocation plus investment portfolio for war/recession proof)

Finally get a digital library, Kiwix is a good tool to download webpages. Focus on Survival Guides and Homesteading. Prepare like if the internet and grid were to go down.

To all my Brothers and Sisters pray. Pray a lot because you know what is coming.

Blessings to all.

by Upcomer (639 points)
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I know, I always hope I'm wrong but I know. Thanks friend.
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So far so good. I should add that I believe that the more these secret dealings and scripts are exposed and more normies realise what is happening the less likely the desired outcome by the parasite elites will become.Maintaining a neutral stance or super position makes outcomes less predictable and thus *****s over their long-term plans.
by Expert (25.6k points)