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Predictive programming around technological mind-control, DEWs and what's going on at the moment, has been around for ages. Movies like Cell (2016), Yuri in the game franchise Command and Conquer and many other instances of tech induced mind control in media and film. In particular there is a fiction book written by a retired lieutenant colonel of the US armed forces (Ralph Peters) called The War in 2020 (1991).

This book has it all laid out 30 years ago, trade war with the East, global pandemic, US military flop in Africa, Islamic nations waging war on Israel and destroying it, Kazakhstan's role in the power struggle, and an ultimate microwave energy weapon that turns its victims into vegetables. Of course the enemies in the novel are the USSR, a coalition of Arab nations and Japan instead of China because it would have been too much I guess. When I first read the book as a kid I wouldn't have imagined how close to the official narrative it would have turned out to be.
in Politics, wars, problems by Expert (25.7k points)

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