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Come up with and publish two hot, provocative topics.

It could be anything. But this should evoke emotions: Indignation, indignation.

Two hot topics!

Deadline: 30.10
Reward: 100 points

Before completing the task, do not forget to leave the answer with the text “I will do it” in this topic

closed with the note: Time limit has expired
in Point tasks by Official (102k points)

3 Answers

1 like 0 dislike
I accept.

I will do it.
by Master (33.3k points)
0 0

The task is completed. +100 points

0 0
:( that was an anti climax, I had prepared 2 tactical indignation nuclear missiles... I didn't know I was being this indignant already lol

Oh well I'll keep the nukes warm for an other time :)
1 like 0 dislike
I will do it.
by Experienced (9.9k points)
0 0

The task is completed. +100 points

1 like 0 dislike
I will do it. I assume questions are ok.
by Advanced (4.0k points)
0 0

The task is completed. +100 points
