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The question:

Hello, you wrote about javascript
I have a question
because I have JavaScript enabled and if the site asks you to disable it, does that mean it's a clone?
because I don't know if I understand what you

My answer:

Not every original website is a clone and there are also original websites that require you to activate JavaScript to use several features that are actually not that important. Like in the hidden answer which tells you to activate it for the tags feature (which is not written manually) or other things that are not important. Why I can say that because in the hidden answer itself you can still log in even if you activate JavaScript. Meanwhile, on websites that say they are original or clones, they ask you to activate JavaScript so you can log in, even though on the original website you shouldn't. that even if javascript is disabled or enabled, I can still log in even if I don't enable it and you should too.

CAUTION - WEBSITES WHICH FORCE YOU TO ENABLE JAVA SCRIPTS ARE MOSTLY SCAMS !!! JavaScript works client-side, TOR is disabling that by default, because it can collect information about your system. A professional service on the DW will NEVER use JavaScript.
in Technology & Crypto by Experienced (12.1k points)

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