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The Balfour Declaration is the legal basis on which Israel as a nation was allowed statehood via the UN back in 1947, when it was given legal status as a corporate entity.

One cannot register a corporation twice under the same name in 2023 after 70+ years and have it accepted. This means by midnight today October 31st Israel as a corporation will expire.

Once a corporation is formed, it is a legal entity that exists separately from its owners. This means that it has its own name, tax ID number, and legal rights and obligations as a corporate structure. Israel is bankrupt. When an entity is in that status "one" has zero contract rights. Citizens are collateral and always included in such contracts.

The current war in Israel has all to do with this and nothing to do with Hamas, which is also a Mossad funded entity incorporated in Israel, same as Hezbollah. The war is simply  "balancing of accounts" in the parasite bankers' ledger that are using the local citizens as collateral.

This new flair-up of that intractable conflict is really frying some normies' wires. I'm seeing a lot of them going in tilt over this one, especially the most liberal elements. The whole thing was set up on purpose to polarise the narrative.

The only visible beneficiaries of this whole mess is Netanyahu's government which was for all terms and purposes on the brink of having a civil war to deal with right before this! This was owed to Netanyahu's judicial overhaul plan. Also don't forget that the rapprochement that was underway between Saudi Arabia and Israel (which really pissed of the Zionist faction of this conflict) has now been halted, maybe destroyed. Under the new required legal status the international Zionists are trying to push forward their Grater Israel project but I really think it's all backfiring especially when coupled with the Ukraine fiasco, which was a crucial piece for this plan's success. Now all they have is a long-term plan that has lost all of its steam and legal standing for its adoption under international law.

Enjoy the shit show.

in Politics, wars, problems by Master (33.3k points)

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3 Answers

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Thoughts? Okay, here are your thoughts.
Where did you get all this from? Where is the evidence, documents, facts? Please indicate at least the sources of information.
Strong claims require strong evidence.
by Official (102k points)
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I cannot give you the evidence you want. Much of this stuff I pieced together trying to understand the core spiritual tenets of Zionism/communism, which is Lurianic Kabbalah aka Lucifrian Gnosticism. It's all symbology mostly based on Gematria and Kabbalistic cyphers but once you understand the main characters, plots and orders they follow in the play, you get a good grasp of what to expect in the next scene. Deep down you know I'm right :)

If you want some sources look into the works of Christopher Bjerknes, subjects like the Turkic-Judaic alliance and you'll see where Ukraine fits in this plan. Look up Dunlop's History of the Jewish Kharzas. When you follow the trail you'll see Jews are not a race but an ideology hidden within layers of religious doctrine which includes the other Abrahamic religions too in its outer shells, thus the Jesuit and Islamic connections. The rest is theatre for the profane. Abrahamists are trying to start WW3 by all means available, especially Jews, as they’re the ones who’d benefit from it.
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The Jews I'm talking about were in the past known as "name stealers", literally murderous larpers by profession and trade. Even the Japanese have an old folk tradition of insidious demons that impersonate people known as the Tengu, that trick societies into destroying themselves. Look into Sabbatai Zevi and his influence on the institution of modern Zionism via Theodor Herzl. The ottoman Empire was completely taken over by crypto masonic Jews this was crucial in laying the road towards the foundation of Israel. There is a book called "***** Turks and Zionism." It's a long convoluted story but the principles were always the same, deception, infiltration, subversion, destruction and move to the next host. That's what the Alien franchise is a metaphor for.
by Master (33.3k points)
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In reality the Balfour Declaration is just the judiciary entry of a Zionist republic and what happens today, not the real legal basis for the creation of Israel but the first public internationally accepted proclamation that led to it. It was a symbolic nod from a Zionist ally foot-soldier (Balfour) to the managerial class Zionists (Roths*****). The process started much earlier with Herzl (they claim the plan is ancient), what is important to remember is that after WWI the treaty of Versailles consecrated the fact that the newly formed democratic countries had to pursue efforts and trials in order to create Israel. The League of Nations confirmed the creation of such a country in the Transjordan region through a mandate of 1923.  Soon after that a certain Hitler rose to power, as a direct result of  the humiliating terms in the treaty of Versailles,  in 1933. The Zionism used the rise of Hitler to further push for the migration of Jews to the new land while at the same time milked the holocaust up till now to further the Zionist claim for that land in the Middle-East. Right after the Balfour Declaration, what ratified the creation of Israel as a nation and legal entity, was the adoption of the United Nations Partition for Palestine resolution 181 of the UN.

However Israel has ceased to be a Zionist democracy since 2019 and that's why Netanyahu and his government came to the verge of a civil war (before the current war) because they no longer have legal power but were trying to muscle the judicial system to regain control. What really runs the show is a core of ultra orthodox rabbis that form the Chabad.
by Master (33.3k points)