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These are some tips as well as some things that I share based on my experience from scammers.

- A scammer will only make it difficult for you to carry out transactions, both in order to withdraw your money and in terms of the transaction itself.

- A scanner will be too resistant to using escrow or third parties that you use to simply secure transactions. If he is a professional or official seller or it could be said that.  he should be willing to accept it instead of rejecting it and even making it difficult for you to get or use it.

- A scammer will always include old reviews or photos which, if you look closely, are dirty or are actually old photos which are certainly not credible.

- Always ask a scammer whether they use escrow or not. If it doesn't matter, chances are they are scammers. Even if they want to, you still have to be careful because sometimes they have their own tricks to trick you.

You have to check the metadata for every photo they share because sometimes the meta data for the photos they share no longer exist or have been deleted so they can't be tracked or check when they got the photo.

- You have to be wary of everyone who uses Telegram as a dangerous person because there is a big possibility that the person is a fraud and even if they can be trusted you still have to be careful.

I will help anyone who needs a third party as transaction security or as an escrow for free because I just want to help you.
in Other by Experienced (12.1k points)

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2 Answers

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Well done. It seems you have a lot of useful information.
I want to support you.
+ 500 points
by Official (102k points)
0 0
What is Flagging posts anyway?
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Thanks, guy. Tell me, you provide an escrow service, is that correct?
by Experienced (6.1k points)
1 0

Yes, i use a eth so it becomes free. My telegram is ************. You have to send a screenshot of the comment so I know it was you who contacted me on Telegram.
