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I remember an onion site named "time to confess" and this question is inspired by it.

After a while it went down and I do not have any information about it. I wonder if any similar sites where people confess anonymously, and others can read them, so I thought let's try it here.

So here if you want post your deepest darkest abysmal sin, the one that you would never let anyone that knows you find out. Please do not comment on other peoples' sins. This is an introspection exercise.
in Other by Master (33.3k points)

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3 Answers

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Stealing my parents' money and rebelling against my father
by Experienced (12.1k points)
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My sin-too many buy CC Fulls from Dan Biltzerian.And use Candy Tubs.
by Active (1.5k points)
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Dan Biltzerian?

Is legit?
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damn, I have a story that I can’t share with my friends.
But I also doubt that I’m ready to tell it even here.
by Experienced (9.9k points)