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You can share your experiences and thoughts about WhatsApp
in Technology & Crypto by Experienced (12.1k points)

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2 Answers

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I don't like using it, it's not really secure at all and I bet my ass all all the main (zoged) national intelligence agencies have access to it via back-doors. I mean if your are just using it for normal day-to-day conversation purposes I guess it's fine but still I find it very "cumbersome" as an application when compared others. I would rather use an unofficial edition like GbWhatssap.
by Master (33.3k points)
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Is gbwhatsapp safe enough?
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Do you use deep search messager? What's the nickname so we can contact each other?
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Well, Facebook owns Whatsapp, and Facebook's privacy really sucks.
by Upcomer (819 points)