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Here, this is my official link that connects you directly to my Telegram channel which provides lots of DW links that have been validated and are not fraud or scammers.  But even though it has been validated as safe, the risk and responsibility remains with you. Don't ever expect us to be responsible for any unpleasant things that happen to you.  We will regularly update existing links, either continuing to validate them or adding new links.

in Other by Experienced (12.1k points)

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3 Answers

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First warning. Next time the fine will be higher.
- 150 points
by Official (102k points)
2 like 0 dislike
Such an old idea - to tell "everything is a scam, but not me"
by Upcomer (597 points)
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Hey man put it up on your wall in your user page :)
by Master (33.3k points)