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1. Set an avatar for your profile.
2. Write about yourself in your profile.
3. Write about yourself in a reply to this topic.
Who are you? What are you looking for on the dark web? Why are you interested in this forum? How can you be useful to others?
What else would you like to see here? What suggestions, wishes or ideas do you have for the development of “Hidden Answers”?

Maximum reward: 800 points.
Deadline: 30.11.23

Once you completed this task, you have to leave a reply below to let
HiddenAgent check the completion. Thanks!

closed with the note: Time limit has expired
in Point tasks by Official (102k points)

5 Answers

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I really enjoy Hidden Answers! I first discovered Hidden Answers while browsing on the deep web. Hidden Answers got me in to crypto, I have earned quite a bit of Bitcoin on Hidden Answers, I am quite interested in cryptocurrencies, and hacking, and cryptography in general. So, if I where to rate Hidden Answers on a scale of 1/10, I would easily give it a 9! Absolutely adore it! (Ps, I already have an avatar)
by Advanced (4.4k points)
0 0
The task is completed. +500 points
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I'm Luna. I'm on the dark web looking for someone who wants to strangle me to death romantically under the night sky with a nice pretty ribbon. I'm not particularly interested in this forum beyond that, but it's not a bad way to pass the time. I could be useful by helping out, but I'm too unmotivated.

I'd like to see a chat added, with real time communication. I'd like for email notifications to work too. I would also like for there to be more categories, and more nuances. Also, for those who do not wish to partake in the dark game and simply be left alone, it would be nice to have a way to opt out rather than have to worry about being randomly banned by someone else or something. I have a lot more ideas but I think I'll wait for feedback and possible implementation of these ones first.
by Advanced (4.0k points)
0 0

I have repeatedly attempted to set my avatar to the following image but it refuses to do so. I am not sure why. If there are size restrictions for avatars, I don't see them listed anywhere.

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The task is completed. +600 points
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I'm an ordinary person. I'm in the dark web for money. I have a job, but as a hobby I explore various possibilities of the darknet.
Ready to cooperate.
This forum is the only one where I met real people. Regular users. In other places there is a lot of dirt and disorder, there are a lot of scammers. Everyone is selling something. It's all there too. But here you can still communicate.
I would be very happy if there was some kind of independent list of scammers and real services here.
by Experienced (6.1k points)
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The task is completed. +500 points
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I'm Emily. I started exploring the deep web earlier this year and HA has consistently informed and entertained me. I grew up in a shitty suburb with very racist parents, so I never developed social skills. I live with an abusive BF but I can't afford to move out on my own yet. This forum is helping me break out of my shell and distracting me from my depression. I try to reply to the posts with sincerity. I think these games are fun and I am looking forward to more of them.
by Upcomer (819 points)
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The task is completed. +600 points
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1. I have an avatar.

2. done.

3.a. I'm a millennial ethnic European man who grew up in the 90s when the world was a nicer place even if it was already *****ed up. I had a mostly normal *****hood and have a lot of fond memories of those days. Grew up very catholic but rejected religion in my *****s. I miss when the internet was a place of wonderment and women were likable and the cancer that is social media didn't exist. I am an introvert by temperament and have always been quite antisocial but I have learned how to blend in with normies or at least I try. ***** at school always knew I was never 100% "normal" and I never kept a lot of friends. I hated group sports and still hate sports in general. My hobbies are all solitary pursuits.

From a ***** age I have developed aesthetic tastes and mental ideations that are by definition considered extreme. I'm not looking for anything in particular on the darknet. Being a private person, what I like most about being on it is the privacy it affords. When I was *****er I was pretty wild but managed to always avoid getting into serious trouble. Now that I'm older I lead quite an unassuming normal life from the outside but I like keeping my mind busy, exploring new ideas and concepts. Very few people know my core beliefs. I have had very varied experiences over the years, was in very different lines of work and travelled a lot. I *****in hate traveling.

3.b. As stated I like the privacy the DN supplies. I like interacting with interesting people over here because I think anonymity lets people be more real on these sort of forums.

3.c. I have grown very fond of this HA because it has rules and the dark game makes it all the more interesting. As stated somewhere else I haven't had so much fun online in ages. Being an anarchist I'm all for chaos and mayhem but I love the structure and order the rules of this place give. I also like the minimalist feel the site has, by avoiding the clutter unnecessary categories would create. I like spending time here.

3.d. I think my past experiences and current frame of mind might assist other users finding answers that might have never occurred to them before.

3.e. If there where more active users this place would definitely be more interesting. I wouldn't want it to be too populated because it would descend into chaos and loose it's appeal but I wish there where more active users. Maybe this is something that could be incentivised.

3.f. Personally I don't have any innovative suggestions to make at present. Maybe a minor suggestion from my end would be to add a news section were salient updates could be easily found by everyone.

edit: I actually have an idea. upon registration users may be instructed that if the account is left inactive for more than say 3 months it would be automatically terminated. The points carried by an inactively terminated account would then go to a special lottery jackpot. Active users could have the opportunity to buy a lottery ticket against a defined point cost. The lottery would only be activated when two conditions are met. First a set point threshold for the jackpot is reached. Secondly, there should be a set threshold of lottery participants that once reached and first condition is met, the prize would be automatically drawn.
by Master (35.2k points)
0 0
The task is completed. +700 points