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How can I kill myself painlessly? I don't have any sleeping pills to od. I do have some paracetamol and ibuprofen but I don't think that works.

So, how can I kill myself painlessly without od'ing?
in Other by Guest (149 points)

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18 Answers

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NO suicide!
Please pray to GOD!
He saved me and He also would save YOU
You are a human being and you get hepl from God and from a therapy

God helps you.LIFE is precious!
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i think hes dead
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Dont do it. God loves you. Where there is lofe, there is hope.
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You get one shot in your life. Do you really wanna be remembered as the guy who killed himself because it was all too hard? I have problems too man, but I don't kill myself
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Don't kill yourself, I always say: strong men strong destinies, weak men weak destinies; This phrase always helps me to never give up
by Newbie (237 points)
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Hey. Its not worth it, try to find something that will make you happier in this life. I know it could be hard right now but never do it just wait till everything gets better:)
by Guest (124 points)
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I don't know if you're still around but I hope you  didn't kill yourself. I don't know what your going through but whatever it is I do know you can get through it. Suicide is the worst choice you can make unless it is self-sacrifice for others. The best thing you can do is just keep living. I promise you that everything will get better eventually. You just need to give it enough time and you need to put in the effort to make your life better. At the very least try to rethink this. There will always be a better option than suicide. Even if everything seems hopeless now and it feels like there is nobody there for you the only thing you can do is be there for yourself. As long as you got yourself you can get through any emotion your brain tries to throw at you. It will take time but it will be worth it. And with everything else in life the feelings that are making you think this way will pass. You will get better, you will find new people, you will find solutions whatever those may be, you will have love and friendship, and most importantly you will have happiness. Just wait it out, you will prevail from this battle and if it means anything I wish the best for you and anyone in this situation.
by Master (33.3k points)
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I support
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No one has yet come up with anything better than pills.
Better yet, choose drugs. You won't suffer. You will die with a buzz! What could be better?
by Active (1.7k points)
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It's best to abandon this idea
how are you there? tell me you're still alive
by Newbie (176 points)
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I can freeze you if you preffer sir.
by Newbie (362 points)
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In general, cutting your veins in a warm bath is considered a painless way to kill yourself
by Active (2.8k points)