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I've been planning my suicide for some time now, and I am really ashamed of my urges to kill myself, as I can only imagine the pain this selfish act will inflict on the people that care about me. I've been thinking a lot about the way I want to go, and specifically trying to minimize the possibility to stop midway and keep the scene as "clean" as possible. For example jumping off a building has no possibility to revert the act mid jump, but would be way too traumatic for innocent bystanders and my loved ones. I know killing myself is selfish regardless of the method, but I want to try to think about other people's pain too. A few months ago I came up with the idea to strangle myself with a zip tie around the neck. Zip ties are impossible to undo without pliers, and I hope it would be a painless peaceful way to die.

A zip tie pressing on the trachea is really painful, so on the zip tie I would be taping two lumps of something in spots that land on both sides of my trachea, with the intention that the pressure is focused on the two carotid arteries. It's quite easy to press on the arteries with your thumbs, and cause a momentary loss of consciousness without really any pain. If this was induced by a zip tie around your neck instead of your thumbs, the arteries would stay shut even after losing consciousness and that I hope would lead to death. I guess my worst fear is that the arteries are not blocked entirely which would leave me conscious which could in the worst case lead to regret and survival.

I have no medical knowledge if this is actually how it works, but according to what I could google this is the best method I know of so far. I wanted to come over here to check if anyone had experience or expertise around a suicide method like this, and ask does this sound like a good plan?
in Other by Guest (123 points)

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5 Answers

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I don't know if this site is a scam.
Suicide is a scary thing, and it's irreversible.
Think carefully, and if you don't have money, jumping off might be the best way.

by Newbie (207 points)
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I wish I had the guts to do the same except my parents have already wasted too much money on me so no point in dying now. As long as Christian God is by my side I will be fine.
by Newbie (194 points)
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Iron pills work well just go to your local drug store and get some iron pills then down them all they're cheap or maybe sleeping pills just make sure they're strong
by Upcomer (619 points)
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Guy it's your life if you want to waste it. That being said, think and think hard, if you do it and you are some how successful, you gain nothing, on the contrary you loose. On top of that and you already know, you'll cause untold damage to those around you. Not sure what reasons you have to be considering this but I tell you from experience whatever they are, they are fixable in most cases. As you're saying you've been thinking about this a long time, so there is no immediacy. Think harder and instead of trying to figure out the best way to end yourself , try focus on how to turn things around one little step at a time. Even if it's just taking a walk and making some small talk with strangers. Ultimately its in your hands but know that decisions have consequences whether you're still around or not.
by Master (33.3k points)
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feeling sad for u
by Expert (23.7k points)