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I want to kill Myself but i cant find a good method. ive been searching all over the internet for a quick semi painless method. can you please give me some ideas? and please do not try to talk me out of it i already made up my decision i have nothing else to lose.
in Other by Guest (119 points)

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8 Answers

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Why would you think you're good enough for someone to help you kill yourself, retard? You can't even kill yourself on your own

by Guest (138 points)
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i can end you while you sleep. Not a suicide and its painless. if you have money of course.
by Newbie (173 points)
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i know you said dont try to talk me out of it , but think of this , the pain of your family , ***** , friends , there isnt a painless method , you will feel pain unless you die old no doubt about it , but dont do this shit man , its petty , your family brought you and raised you in this world and your just going to *****ing end it over what , a bit of petty sadness , its called not enough dopamine , go do shit you love , go ***** a hot chick in a club whilst being *****ed off your tits , that my friend will bring you happiness
by Newbie (256 points)
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Please do not kill yourself. For your family’s sake.
by Advanced (4.4k points)
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Dont do it bro i hope your still alive i may be late to this but dont do it its never worth it idk if your into religions or anything but if you kill yourself you will go to hell god doesnt forgive people who go suicide! go have ***** with a hot bitch, jump into the pool naked, go to the fair and scare the shit outta yourself with them crazy rides, go learn boxing, go swimming with sharks theres crazy shit you can do in this world to have fun killing yourself wont the fun at all if your suffering here you will suffer forever in hell but here in this world you will suffer a lot but not forever!
by Newbie (177 points)
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Search more in this forum and you can find the answer.

Someone has explained painless death.

Or contact me on ***Contact info is only allowed at user's wall*** and i will provide you with that details.

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overdose on xanax
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Just drink car air freshener or get high dose of drugs
by Newbie (271 points)